teams, leadership Michelle Adkins teams, leadership Michelle Adkins

The Blessing of Partnership Development

Ministry Partnership Development (MPD)is often referenced with a negative connotation. And whether consciously or subconsciously, many of us come to this season with lonely, us versus them mentality as we try to find the funding to do what God has actually called us to do. I would like to contend that the MPD season is not lonely and unpreferable, but a faith-strengthening, relationally driven season of transition.

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teams, leadership Steve Valentine teams, leadership Steve Valentine

Maturity Is The Aim

So, if maturity is our aim, then discipleship is the process through which this happens. This then means that any work we do in our key ministry focus of developing transformational leaders must be rooted and grounded in discipleship, the pursuit of maturity. The idea here is that you never graduate from being a disciple to being a leader. If this is the case, then continual transformation towards Christ-likeness is the core of leadership.

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teams, leadership Jonathan Mathews teams, leadership Jonathan Mathews

Dig Deeper Wells

The call for us to “follow Jesus” is a call for us to be with Jesus; be like Jesus; and do the things Jesus did. All of this happens within our “abiding in Christ.” I’m still growing in my understanding of what it means to “abide in Christ,” but I know one thing for sure: I can do nothing of lasting, spiritual significance unless I “abide in Christ”. The droughts of life will quickly expose the shallowness of our “well.” Here’s what I’ve learned about digging deeper wells.

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teams, leadership Josh Freeman teams, leadership Josh Freeman

Killing the Performance Culture

As part of our American culture, we are generally very driven: setting goals and meeting them at all costs, developing a big vision, striving for efficiency, being masters of our calendars and fitting as much as possible into them. None of these are inherently bad, but as a new global worker hitting the field when your identity is built around what you get done, the first months and years of onboarding will be incredibly difficult.

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partnerships Jonathan Mathews partnerships Jonathan Mathews

Healthy Kingdom Partnerships

Healthy Kingdom Partnerships can thrive when “the people of God commit to collectively know and do the will of God, to advance the Kingdom of God, through the gospel of the Son of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, for the glory of God among the nations.”

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